Holistic healthcare for reproductive and generative wellness
Full-spectrum reproductive and generative care for all bodies in any season of life using herbal medicine, functional nutrition, and the power of the menstrual cycle
Imagine if your healthcare journey can feel:
⁕ Compassionate and centered on trauma-informed and inclusive support
⁕ Intentional by having a clear and customized protocol, specific to your unique body
⁕ Embodied, guiding you back home to the wisdom and wholeness of your body
⁕ Holistic, tapping into your own body’s regenerative capacity to heal
Holistic fertility and menstrual care for all seasons
Generative Cycles is a holistic herbal healthcare practice that supports folks navigating fertility, menstrual cycle, and hormonal health challenges. We support your body on a foundational level so that you feel nourished, grounded, and connected to your whole and vital self.
It’s from this place of wholeness and vitality where your body’s natural cycles and fertility can fully come to fruition.
Using evidenced-based herbal medicine, functional nutrition, the Fertility Awareness Method, and somatic practices we support your foundational health and get to the root cause of hormonal and systemic imbalances that may be obstacles to your fertility and/or menstrual cycle health.

The 4 Pillars of Generative Cycles Support
Evidence-based herbal medicine
Herbal medicine (based in western clinical herbalism with eastern influence) is slow medicine and nourishes the body deeply. It nourishes the tissues, improves functioning of organs and provides minerals needed for cellular functions. We will create customized herbal formulas that will specifically boost fertility and support your unique constitution.
Functional Nutrition
Based on your health profile, we’ll come up with a food plan that supports your whole well-being. The focus is on optimizing your metabolic and hormonal health - because that’s at the root of wholebody wellness! Whether you’re already a health nut or not, we’ll create an eating plan that’s sustainable and easily manageable for you.
Embodiment Practices
Stress, anxiety, and disconnection from our bodies can be obstacles to fertility. These practices are an opportunity for you to come back into your body, slow down, and tune into the wholeness of your inner landscape. Each session is infused with mindfulness and somatic-based practices to guide you back into a grounded and connected state of being so that you can continue on your fertility journey with a sense of peace and aliveness.
Fertility Awareness Method
FAM allows you to carefully observe your body’s unique fertility biomarkers — basal body temperature, cervical mucus, and, optionally, cervical position. I’ll guide you in using this method to assess your fifth vital sign (AKA your menstrual cycle) so we can see what your hormones are up to and gauge your overall fertility status if you want to conceive.
Client Love

Vital Womb, Fertile Body
A comprehensive 4-month 1:1 fertility support program to create a nourishing and solid foundation for conscious conception.
Tending to Your Fertility
Single Session | 2 Hrs
1:1 Session with Christine for preconception planning and fertility support.
Inner Rhythms
An intimate 5-week long container to help you cultivate awareness and literacy of your body while learning how to chart your cycles using the Symptothermal Method of FAM in a group setting.
Wholebody Postpartum Care
Herbal + nutritional and emotional support for postpartum mothers and parents.
In-home services to Boulder County coming soon!
Menstrual Care
Holistic care for menstrual cycle irregularities, transitional support after hormonal birth control and/or natural birth control education using the Fertility Awareness Method.
Common Questions
The dictionary definition of “generative” is: the power or function of generating, originating, producing, or reproducing.
However, the meaning of “generative” goes beyond reproduction.
In its modern use, the word “generative” is an inclusive term that is used in lieu of “reproductive” to include folks who use their sex organs for reasons other than making babies. In its esoteric meaning, “generative” encompasses the energetic aspects of our sex organs which hold experience, creativity and our life force.
The Fertility Awareness Method is simply observing and charting your body's unique and natural fertility biomarkers—cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and, optionally, cervical position—to determine when you are fertile or not. You can then use that information to either avoid pregnancy, increase your chances of getting pregnant, or to monitor your hormonal and reproductive health.
As a FAM Practitioner, I teach the SymptoThermal Method of FAM.
A vital sign is a bodily response you can measure to see how your body is functioning. The four most commonly used vital signs are heart rate, body temperature, respiratory rate, and blood pressure.
Your menstrual cycle is not simply about fertility. It is a vital sign that responds to stress and illness and relays information back to you about your overall health. When you're healthy, your period will arrive smoothly, regularly, and without symptoms. And when you're unhealthy in some way, whether you have the cold/flu or have some serious underlying health condition, your cycle will tell the story. This is your “fifth vital sign” in action!
“Body literacy” is simply learning to read and understand the language of the body.
Our bodies have their own unique “language” in which we can develop literacy in. By engaging in the practices of the Fertility Awareness Method, we learn to observe, chart, and interpret our unique biomarkers — our body’s language — on a daily basis. Overtime, we can discern the patterns and nuances of our unique hormonal rhythms, how and why our periods manifest in the way they do, and understand the cyclic nature of our emotional bodies. We may also then take the objective data on our charts and use that to help us make an informed and empowered decision about our reproductive and sexual health.
FAM can be used as a tool to increase your chances of conception because it allows you to track your physical signs of ovulation, also known as your “fertility biomarkers” — cervical mucus, basal body temperature (BBT), and optionally your cervical position.
Observing and charting these fertility biomarkers can help you assess vital aspects of your fertility such as:
💫 determining when your fertile window begins and ends, so you can time conception accurately
💫 when and if you ovulate (ovulation is needed for fertilization to happen). we can then examine possible root causes if you are not having ovulatory cycles.
💫 assessing your overall hormonal health. We can see what’s going on with your thyroid, estrogen, and progesterone hormones. Hormonal imbalances are often obstacles to fertility.
💫 deepening your hormonal and body literacy
Yes! A clinical trial conducted in 2007 (based on 900 women over the course of 17,638 menstrual cycles over 20 years) has shown that the SymptoThermal method of FAM has a:
👉🏽 perfect use effectiveness rate of up to 99.6% in preventing pregnancy and a
👉🏽 perfect use failure rate of just 0.6%.
Compare that to the 0.3% perfect use failure rate* of the pill!
When used correctly, FAM can be just as effective as the pill! You can significantly decrease your failure rate by working with a certified Fertility Awareness Educator or FAM Practitioner to accurately chart your cycles.
*Contraception failure rate is the percentage of couples who experience an accidental pregnancy during one year of use. It is expressed as perfect use and typical use.

Welcome, I’m Christine –
I’m a Certified Clinical Herbalist, Functional Nutritionist, Fertility Awareness Method Practitioner, birthworker, body literacy educator, mother, and partner.
I believe that healing is multi-dimensional and that our bodies will innately move towards wholeness and vitality when given the right conditions. I take a whole-systems approach to health, which recognizes that the body is an interconnected ecosystem and that our individual healing also heals the collective.
My practice is rooted in Western Herbalism, East Asian Medicine, traditional ancestral knowledge, the Symptothermal Method of Fertility Awareness, and somatic embodiment practices.
At the heart of my work is herbal medicine and the Fertility Awareness Method. I believe that using FAM with the support of plant medicine can help us nurture a relationship with our fertility and sexuality, both of which are vital to our health, well-being, and creative potential.
I have a deep commitment to serving my AAPI kin, the BIPGM (Black, Indigenous, and People of the Global Majority) community, gender-expansive folks, and people working in social and environmental movement work.